Happy Today
Sinossi / Synopsis:
Patricia lives in Kalongo, a small remote village in Acholi land, Northern Uganda. In the shadow of Mount Oret, which dominates the landscape of the village, Patricia is learning each day to accompany new mothers through the physical pain and the immense emotion of giving birth. « Together with woman » is the meaning of her chosen vocation to love and serve with joy, this is what it means to be a Midwife.
Categoria / Category: Documentari
Regista / Director: Giulio Tonincelli
Produzione / Production: Ombre Rosse Film Production & Filmo 2
Distribuzione / Distribution:Anais Colpin / Manifest
Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Giulio Tonincelli, Jessica Pepper-Peterson
Fotografia / DOP: Giulio Tonincelli
Montaggio / Editing: Alessandro Capuzzi, Emanuele Dainotti
Suono / Sound: Giorgetto Maccarinelli
Musica / Music:
Durata / Length: 17
Anno di produzione / Year of production: 2017
Paese di produzione / Country of production: Italia
Altri paesi / Other countries: Francia
Formato / Format: