Sinossi / Synopsis:

In an upside down world, Diana finds herself facing a difficult conversation with her family. Her revelation provokes unexpected reactions. Will love, understanding, acceptance win? Will we, once and for all, speak the same color?.

Categoria / Category: Narrativo / Narrative

Regista / Director: Eva Jakubovska

Produzione / Production: Eva Jakubovska

Distribuzione / Distribution:Selected Films

Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Eva Jakubovska

Fotografia / DOP: Alberto Gil

Montaggio / Editing: Alberto Gil

Suono / Sound: Rodrigo Pimentel,José Aguirre Rosado

Musica / Music:

Durata / Length: 8

Anno di produzione / Year of production: 2022

Paese di produzione / Country of production: Spain

Altri paesi / Other countries:

Formato / Format: Full HD