4th edition – 2005
4th edition
Magma Film Festival
In May 2005, the premature death of Lorenzo Vecchio, the founder and artistic director of Magma, seriously affects Scarti, which, however, is able to bring the festival back to Acireale, at cinema Margherita now turned into a multiplex.
The works subscribed during the selection process are 250, all coming from 50 different countries.
The Lorenzo Vecchio prize, established this year, is awarded to the best short film of the festival, Siempre en quise trabajar a fábrica by Esteban Crespo (Spain).
The media devote great attention to Magma, and director Paolo Sorrentino takes the role of president of the jury, also made up by Luciano Granozzi (professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages), Marcello Alajmo (Sicilian Regional Film Library), Mahdi Fleifel (director, Magma 2004 winner) and Sebastiano Gesù (cinema expert).
1400 people – paying an admission fee – take part in the screenings, with a peak attendance on the award-giving night. In addition to the screening of 40 short films in competition and 11 out of competition, there is a photo exhibition with shots by Raffaele Capasso, Giovanni Lami, Federico Chiesa, Christopher Olsson.
International Competition
International Competition
Al mare, Vito Palmieri
Any more questions?, Khoshbakht Manoocher
Dos Encuentros, Alan Griffin
Dummy, Paul Fuller
El sonador, Oskar Santos
Lower east side, Cecilio Caparrini
Moth, Simon Corris
One for the Road, Stephen Wenman
Pernocta, Alvaro Gimenez
Siempre quise trabajar en una fàbrica, Esteban Crespo
The Offering, Paul Lee
VideoKilled the radio star, Lauri Trillitzsch & Oliver Kussinger
Bugging the bug, Velislav Kazakov
Der Kauboy / Troublegum, Carsten Seller
Elephant:OK, Srinivas Bhakta
Fraulein Gertie, Lavinia Creus & Tomas Chianello
Hambre, Javier Garcia Prades & Roberto Castellanos
La gallina ciega, Isabel Herguera
Maestro, Geza M. Toth
Menu, Joana Toste
Moodswing, Pieter Coudyzer
Tadeo Jones, Enrique Gato
The tell tale heart, Raul Garcia
The Zit, Mike Blum
Timor Loro-Sae, Vitor Lopes
Zero Degree, Omid Khoshnazar
La nostra Terra, Stefano Lorenzi & Federico Micali
Secret of the Red room, Serghei Turcanu
Allocation, Jos Neutgens
BeTvVeen, David Cangardel
Desfloracion, Rosamary Berrios Hernandez
Dies Irae, Jean-Gabriel Périot
Duplex, Goran Trbuljak
Heaven, Jin-hee Oh
Perfect, Arthur Saily
Returning, Nancy Jean Tucker
Solace, Jared Katsiane
The Medium is the Message, Dany Bobrowski
Vered dont die, Yanai Peri
As Muxicas, Carlo Alberto Alonso
Desnuda, Gabriela O’ Brian
Grazie al cielo, Andrea Jublin
Initiation, Roman Filippov
Iris Blu, Fabio Ferro & Sydney Sibilia
Mercedes, Simos Korexenidis
Oscura Noche, Federico Peretti
Pagine Utili, Stefano Lorenzi
San Luca e Signora, Antonio Zucconi
Scorn, Raùl Cerezo
Sub Rosa, Katja & Nikola Simunic