19th edition – 2020
19th edition – 2020
The 19th edition of Magma festival will take place entirely online and will be streamed on the digital platform StreamCult. To watch the online event you must register on StreamCult.
This is the programme (in the process of being updated):
-> Tuesday 17 November 2020
h 18.30 – Facebook page | MAGMA TALKS – The Show must go…out of the box. Threats & Opportunities of the Coronavirus Pandemic for film festivals
Alessandra Pastore (head of the Industry sector of the international co-production market When East Meets West) talks with Ivana Sujová (director of Fest Anča International
Animation Festival, SK) Rich Warren (director of Encounters Film Festival, UK) and Matt Lloyd (director of Glasgow Short Film Festival, UK). What are the alternative ways of film
viewing and the new opportunities the online world can offer to film festivals?
-> Wednesday 18 November 2020
h 18.30 – Facebook page | MAGMA TALKS – Cinema and audiovisual teachers share their experiences about teaching both in person and online.
Stefania Rimini (Catania University), Piero Li Donni (Experimental Cinematography Centre – Palermo), Carlo Lo Giudice (Academy of Fine Arts – Catania), Aldo Presta and Federico De Giuli (Abadir – Accademia di Design e Arti Visive).
h 21 – Streamcult platform | International short film competition:
Burqa City, Fabrice Bracq, France, 2019, 20’;
Ties, Dina Velikovskaya, Germany, 2019, 8’;
Jupiter, Benjamin Pfohl, Germany, 2019, 13’;
SH_T Happens, Michaela Mihalyi & David Stumpf, Czech Republic, 2019, 13’;
Mateoren ama, Aitor Arregi & Jose Mari Goenaga, Spain, 2019, 15’;
uNpACKAGING, ziREjA, Spain, 2020, 10’;
Awkward, Nata Metlukh, USA, 2020, 3’;
Sottosuolo, Antonio Abbate, Italy, 2020, 15’.
-> Thursday 19 November 2020
h 18.30 – Facebook page | MAGMA TALKS – Film festivals in Sicily: an enduring network of events catering for an audience which is always hungry for culture
Lorenzo Daniele (Rassegna del Documentario e della Comunicazione Archeologica di Licodia Eubea), Sheila Melosu (Siciliambiente), Marco Gallo (Sicily Farm Film Festival), Nello Calabrò (Festival Internazionale di Corti d’;Animazione Zabut), Cateno Piazza (Catania Film Festival), Sebiano Chillemi (Corto di Sera).
h 21 – StreamCult platform | International short film Competition:
Good German Work, Jannis Alexander Kiefer, Germany, 2020, 14’;
Why Slugs Have No Legs, Aline Höchli, Switzerland, 2019, 11′;
Il gioco, Alessandro Haber, Italy, 2020, 12’;
Intermission Expedition, Wiep Teeuwisse, Netherlands, 2019, 8’;
En Route, Marit Weerheijm, Netherlands, 2019, 10’;
3 Logical Exits, Mahdi Fleifel, Denmark – UK – Lebanon, 2020, 15’;
L’elemosina, Gianni De Blasi, Italy, 2020, 16’.
-> Friday 20 November 2020
h 18.30 – Facebook page | MAGMA TALKS – Italian short film distributors: how the festival market is changing
Adam Selo (Elenfant Distribution), Saverio Pesapane (Premiere Film), Matteo Delai (Gargantua Film), Maurizio Ravallese (Pathos Distribution).
h 21 – StreamCult platform | International short film competition:
Leyenda dorada, Chema Garcia Ibarra & Ion de Sosa, Spain, 2019, 11’;
Song Sparrow, Farzaneh Omidvarnia, Denmark – Iran, 2019, 12’;
En Racha, Ignacio Estaregui, Spain, 2020, 17’;
Purpleboy, Alexandre Siqueira, Portugal, 2019, 13’;
Mentres iso pasa, Nacho Ozores, Spain, 2020, 8’;
o28, Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Collin, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle & Fabien Meyran, France, 2019, 5’;
Exam, Sonia K. Hadad, Iran, 2019, 15’;
Yo soy la otra, Franccesca Tremolada Silva, Carlos Enrique Fenoll Zajac, Abril Vila Truyol & Miriam Guerrero Sampayo, Spain, 2020, 19’.
-> Saturday 21 November 2021
h 18 – piattaforma Streamcult | Insula – Impressioni di Sicilia:
Our Side, Nicola Rinciari, USA, 2020, 12′.
A chat with the members of the 2020 Magma jury, chaired by the filmmaker Sebastiano Riso and composed of the actress Denise Sardisco and the actor David Coco.
The winner of the Lorenzo Vecchio Prize (dedicated to the late founder and first artistic director of the festival) and the winner of the Audience Award (voted by the viewers over
the previous days), will also be announced. At the end the winning short films of the 19th edition will be screened.
The jury will assign the Lorenzo Vecchio Award to the best film of the International Competition.
SEBASTIANO RISO – President of the Jury
Born in Catania in 1983, Sebastiano Riso graduated in Cinema and Television Art from the Free International Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and gained a Masters in Film Criticism from the French Embassy for “Cahiers du cinema”. In 2007 he made his debut as an assistant director for the film “I Viceré”, directed by R. Faenza and based on the novel by F. De Roberto. The film won a number of awards: 4 David di Donatello, 2 Globi d’Oro, 2 Nastri d’argento.
From 2007 to 2014 he wrote and directed several short films (“Free Flay”, set in an Alitalia flight simulator; “Uccal’amma”, selected by many prestigious festivals).
He continued his professional training by collaborating, as an assistant director to fictions that achieved great public success, such as “Il bambino della domenica”, broadcasted on Rai TV.
In 2014 he directed his debut feature film, “Più buio di mezzanotte”; starring D. Capone, V. Amato, M. Guerritore and M. Ramazzotti. The film was presented in competition at the Semaine de la Critique at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival.
In 2017 he directed his second feature film, “Una famiglia”, starring M. Ramazzotti, P. Bruel and F. Cerlino. The film was in competition at the 74th edition of the Venice Film Festival. It deals with the delicate subject of the lack of legislation allowing homosexual couples to adopt a child.
In 2021, shooting is scheduled for “Audrey La Mer”, the story of a friendship between two outcasts during the Nazi occupation of Rome in 1943, and the series “Paradiso Perduto”, a thriller set on the backstage of Non è la Rai. Riso will also be involved in a consultancy for the American series “Django”
He graduated from the School of Dramatic Art of Teatro Stabile in Catania and alternated theatre, television and cinema work. In 1997 he met Dario Fo, who directed him in “Il Diavolo con le zinne”, starring Giorgio Albertazzi and Franca Rame. In 2001 he gained the Domenico Danzuso Award (Prose) interpreting the role of Leonardo Barini in Brancati’s “Gli anni perduti”, directed by Walter Pagliaro.
Directed by Paolo Benvenuti in the feature film “Segreti di Stato”, in 2003 he received a special mention from the jury at “Marcello Mastroianni Award – new artists of Italian cinema” for his interpretation of Gaspare Pisciotta. In 2007 he won the award for best leading actor at the Annecy, Bastia and Grenoble festivals for his performance as Leonardo Vitale in the film “L’uomo di vetro” by Stefano Incerti.
In his career he has played real characters several times. In addition to the already mentioned Pisciotta and Vitale: Pio La Torre in ”Placido Rizzotto”; Ninni Cassarà in ”Giovanni Falcone, l’uomo che sfidò Cosa Nostra”; Bernardo Provenzano in ”L’ultimo dei Corleonesi” and Leoluca Bagarella in ”Il Cacciatore”, a TV series aired on Rai 2 which has received considerable critical and public acclaim.
In “Il delitto Mattarella”, a film directed by Aurelio Grimaldi, he plays Piersanti Mattarella, the President of Sicily who was assassinated on 6 January 1980.
Originating from Monreale, after practising dance for several years she made her theatre debut with “Don Gesualdo e la ballerina” at the age of 14. Feeling the need to express this vocation, she moved to Rome after finishing the Linguistic secondary school. She studied acting with Gisella Burinato, Filippo Gili and Stefania De Santis. In 2015 she played Emma in Harold Pinter’s “Tradimenti”, directed by Saverio Deodato. The following year, alongside Miriana Minichino, she played the double role of actress and director of the performance “IO, un tour teatrale indipendente”.
Her debut on TV took place in 2017 with “Prima che la notte”, directed by Daniele Vicari, and in 2018 she starred in “Carlo & Malik”, directed by Marco Pontecorvo.
In 2019 the director Pietro Marcello chose her for the role of Margherita in “Martin Eden”, his feature film in competition at the 76th Venice Film Festival. She also starred in “Il Primo Natale”, directed by the comedy duo Ficarra e Picone, and gained a nomination “Italian Excellence Award – Film Industry”, sponsored by Sinergitaly, an association focused on promoting the best Italian talents around the world.
Next, she interpreted Maria Majorana, the protagonist of “La Particella Fantasma”, directed by William Lombardo.
This year the short films will be streamed on the digital platform STREAMCULT.
To create an account –> https://www.streamcult.it/register/
To access –> https://www.streamcult.it/login/
To watch the screenings –> https://www.streamcult.it/streaming/
The 19th edition of Magma festival will take place entirely online and will be streamed on the digital platform StreamCult. To watch the online event you must register on StreamCult.
This is the programme (in the process of being updated):
-> Tuesday 17 November 2020
h 18.30 – Facebook page | MAGMA TALKS – The Show must go…out of the box. Threats & Opportunities of the Coronavirus Pandemic for film festivals
Alessandra Pastore (head of the Industry sector of the international co-production market When East Meets West) talks with Ivana Sujová (director of Fest Anča International
Animation Festival, SK) Rich Warren (director of Encounters Film Festival, UK) and Matt Lloyd (director of Glasgow Short Film Festival, UK). What are the alternative ways of film
viewing and the new opportunities the online world can offer to film festivals?
-> Wednesday 18 November 2020
h 18.30 – Facebook page | MAGMA TALKS – Cinema and audiovisual teachers share their experiences about teaching both in person and online.
Stefania Rimini (Catania University), Piero Li Donni (Experimental Cinematography Centre – Palermo), Carlo Lo Giudice (Academy of Fine Arts – Catania), Aldo Presta and Federico De Giuli (Abadir – Accademia di Design e Arti Visive).
h 21 – Streamcult platform | International short film competition:
Burqa City, Fabrice Bracq, France, 2019, 20’;
Ties, Dina Velikovskaya, Germany, 2019, 8’;
Jupiter, Benjamin Pfohl, Germany, 2019, 13’;
SH_T Happens, Michaela Mihalyi & David Stumpf, Czech Republic, 2019, 13’;
Mateoren ama, Aitor Arregi &; Jose Mari Goenaga, Spain, 2019, 15’;
uNpACKAGING, ziREjA, Spain, 2020, 10’;
Awkward, Nata Metlukh, USA, 2020, 3’;
Sottosuolo, Antonio Abbate, Italia, 2020, 15’.
-> Thursday 19 November 2020
h 18.30 – Facebook page | MAGMA TALKS – Film festivals in Sicily: an enduring network of events catering for an audience which is always hungry for culture
Lorenzo Daniele (Rassegna del Documentario e della Comunicazione Archeologica di Licodia Eubea), Sheila Melosu (Siciliambiente), Marco Gallo (Sicily Farm Film Festival), Nello Calabrò (Festival Internazionale di Corti d’;Animazione Zabut), Cateno Piazza (Catania Film Festival), Sebiano Chillemi (Corto di Sera).
h 21 – StreamCult platform | International short film Competition:
Good German Work, Jannis Alexander Kiefer, Germania, 2020, 14’;
Why Slugs Have No Legs, Aline Höchli, Svizzera, 2019, 11';
Il gioco, Alessandro Haber, Italia, 2020, 12’;
Intermission Expedition, Wiep Teeuwisse, Paesi Bassi, 2019, 8’;
En Route, Marit Weerheijm, Paesi Bassi, 2019, 10’;
3 Logical Exits, Mahdi Fleifel, Danimarka – Regno Unito – Libano, 2020, 15’;
L’elemosina, Gianni De Blasi, Italia, 2020, 16’.
-> Friday 20 November 2020
h 18.30 – Facebook page | MAGMA TALKS – Italian short film distributors: how the festival market is changing
Adam Selo (Elenfant Distribution), Saverio Pesapane (Premiere Film), Matteo Delai (Gargantua Film), Maurizio Ravallese (Pathos Distribution).
h 21 – StreamCult platform | International short film competition:
Leyenda dorada, Chema Garcia Ibarra & Ion de Sosa, Spain, 2019, 11’;
Song Sparrow, Farzaneh Omidvarnia, Denmark – Iran, 2019, 12’;
En Racha, Ignacio Estaregui, Spain, 2020, 17’;
Purpleboy, Alexandre Siqueira, Portugal, 2019, 13’;
Mentres iso pasa, Nacho Ozores, Spain, 2020, 8’;
o28, Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Collin, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle & Fabien Meyran, France, 2019, 5’;
Exam, Sonia K. Hadad, Iran, 2019, 15’;
Yo soy la otra, Franccesca Tremolada Silva, Carlos Enrique Fenoll Zajac, Abril Vila Truyol & Miriam Guerrero Sampayo, Spain, 2020, 19’.
-> Saturday 21 November 2021
h 18 – piattaforma Streamcult | Insula – Impressioni di Sicilia:
Our Side, Nicola Rinciari, USA, 2020, 12′.
A chat with the members of the 2020 Magma jury, chaired by the filmmaker Sebastiano Riso and composed of the actress Denise Sardisco and the actor David Coco.
The winner of the Lorenzo Vecchio Prize (dedicated to the late founder and first artistic director of the festival) and the winner of the Audience Award (voted by the viewers over
the previous days), will also be announced. At the end the winning short films of the 19th edition will be screened.
The jury will assign the Lorenzo Vecchio Award to the best film of the International Competition.
SEBASTIANO RISO – President of the Jury
Born in Catania in 1983, Sebastiano Riso graduated in Cinema and Television Art from the Free International Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and gained a Masters in Film Criticism from the French Embassy for “Cahiers du cinema”. In 2007 he made his debut as an assistant director for the film “I Viceré”, directed by R. Faenza and based on the novel by F. De Roberto. The film won a number of awards: 4 David di Donatello, 2 Globi d’Oro, 2 Nastri d’argento.
From 2007 to 2014 he wrote and directed several short films (“Free Flay”, set in an Alitalia flight simulator; “Uccal’amma”, selected by many prestigious festivals).
He continued his professional training by collaborating, as an assistant director to fictions that achieved great public success, such as “Il bambino della domenica”, broadcasted on Rai TV.
In 2014 he directed his debut feature film, “Più buio di mezzanotte”; starring D. Capone, V. Amato, M. Guerritore and M. Ramazzotti. The film was presented in competition at the Semaine de la Critique at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival.
In 2017 he directed his second feature film, “Una famiglia”, starring M. Ramazzotti, P. Bruel and F. Cerlino. The film was in competition at the 74th edition of the Venice Film Festival. It deals with the delicate subject of the lack of legislation allowing homosexual couples to adopt a child.
In 2021, shooting is scheduled for “Audrey La Mer”, the story of a friendship between two outcasts during the Nazi occupation of Rome in 1943, and the series “Paradiso Perduto”, a thriller set on the backstage of Non è la Rai. Riso will also be involved in a consultancy for the American series “Django”
He graduated from the School of Dramatic Art of Teatro Stabile in Catania and alternated theatre, television and cinema work. In 1997 he met Dario Fo, who directed him in “Il Diavolo con le zinne”, starring Giorgio Albertazzi and Franca Rame. In 2001 he gained the Domenico Danzuso Award (Prose) interpreting the role of Leonardo Barini in Brancati’s “Gli anni perduti”, directed by Walter Pagliaro.
Directed by Paolo Benvenuti in the feature film “Segreti di Stato”, in 2003 he received a special mention from the jury at “Marcello Mastroianni Award – new artists of Italian cinema” for his interpretation of Gaspare Pisciotta. In 2007 he won the award for best leading actor at the Annecy, Bastia and Grenoble festivals for his performance as Leonardo Vitale in the film “L’uomo di vetro” by Stefano Incerti.
In his career he has played real characters several times. In addition to the already mentioned Pisciotta and Vitale: Pio La Torre in ”Placido Rizzotto”; Ninni Cassarà in ”Giovanni Falcone, l’uomo che sfidò Cosa Nostra”; Bernardo Provenzano in ”L’ultimo dei Corleonesi” and Leoluca Bagarella in ”Il Cacciatore”, a TV series aired on Rai 2 which has received considerable critical and public acclaim.
In “Il delitto Mattarella”, a film directed by Aurelio Grimaldi, he plays Piersanti Mattarella, the President of Sicily who was assassinated on 6 January 1980.
Originating from Monreale, after practising dance for several years she made her theatre debut with “Don Gesualdo e la ballerina” at the age of 14. Feeling the need to express this vocation, she moved to Rome after finishing the Linguistic secondary school. She studied acting with Gisella Burinato, Filippo Gili and Stefania De Santis. In 2015 she played Emma in Harold Pinter’s “Tradimenti”, directed by Saverio Deodato. The following year, alongside Miriana Minichino, she played the double role of actress and director of the performance “IO, un tour teatrale indipendente”.
Her debut on TV took place in 2017 with “Prima che la notte”, directed by Daniele Vicari, and in 2018 she starred in “Carlo & Malik”, directed by Marco Pontecorvo.
In 2019 the director Pietro Marcello chose her for the role of Margherita in “Martin Eden”, his feature film in competition at the 76th Venice Film Festival. She also starred in “Il Primo Natale”, directed by the comedy duo Ficarra e Picone, and gained a nomination “Italian Excellence Award – Film Industry”, sponsored by Sinergitaly, an association focused on promoting the best Italian talents around the world.
Next, she interpreted Maria Majorana, the protagonist of “La Particella Fantasma”, directed by William Lombardo.
This year the short films will be streamed on the digital platform STREAMCULT.
To create an account –> https://www.streamcult.it/register/
To access –> https://www.streamcult.it/login/
To watch the screenings –> https://www.streamcult.it/streaming/
2020 is proving to be an extremely difficult year for film festivals and those filmmakers who cannot see their works screened in cinemas. Therefore, we have decided to make this Magma’s festival edition freely available online, hoping that – once again – the passion for the big screen will unite us on the digital platform Streamcult until we can return to cinemas.
By making a donation you will contribute to supporting our essential operation costs (management, subtitling and communication) and all the long hours worked to make this happen!